310-808-0001 inca@inca-tvlifts.com

The big game will look great on a brand new flat screen TV, and that new flat screen TV will look great in the house. Of course, you never really thought about where you will put it or how you will mount it. You have several options available, but not all of them are practical.

It is hard to get the best of both worlds in one house. One person wants the big TV while the other person wants to have each room decorated just the way they envision, which usually doesn’t leave space for that awesome 55” flat screen television.

An entertainment center is an option, but it will have to match the design of your living room unless you plan on completely redecorating.  You could just mount it on the wall, but mounting your television may undermine the look of your space. A hidden TV lift is a great way to have it all. You can have your television out of the way when you are not using it.

A TV Lift will allow you to keep the aesthetics of your space the same and still allow you to be watching the game within minutes with a simple remote control. And what could be more fun than having your television appear from out of your wall or floor right before the game?

Modern technology has allowed Inca TV lifts to bring you state-of-the art designs to bring your television in and out of viewing range with almost no sound. A hidden TV lift will make everyone happy. You can have your new flat screen TV without compromising the look that your partner has spent many hours to get just right.

Since 1971, we have been bringing the latest technology to homes everywhere and we continue to do everything we can to make our products better for our consumers.   If you want to learn more about TV Lifts, give us a call at 310-808-0001.

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