310-808-0001 inca@inca-tvlifts.com


Not All Swivels Are Alike – Brands You Can Trust

It’s been said so many times, it’s become a cliché, but it’s true: You get what you pay for. When it comes to TV lifts, swivel or otherwise, it doesn’t pay to mount your expensive and delicate television sets on the cheapest thing on the market. When you purchase a...

Floor versus ceiling: Which is better for you?

You know that a TV Lift will be the perfect addition to your media room.  What you are not sure of is if a Ceiling TV Lift or a TV Floor Lift will be best for you.  The first decision you should make is to contact the specialists at Inca TV Lifts.  They will...

Fold down? Flip down? What?? How it works

Like magic, a flat screen TV appears from nowhere out of the ceiling and is ready for viewing.  Did it fold down?  Or did it flip down?  Exactly how does this TV work?  The technology is high tech, but the idea is simply.  A Fold Down TV is affordable and Inca TV...

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