Stainless Steel Flatscreen TV Lifts – Not Just For The Boat Anymore!
If you’ve heard of marine TV lifts, you probably know that the majority of them come in stainless steel, unlike the wood exterior that most other flatscreen TV lifts come in. But the look of stainless steel TV lifts is starting to move from the harbor into homes....
Retain The Relaxing Atmosphere Of Your Bedroom With An End Of Bed TV Lift
‘Don’t put a TV in the bedroom!’ This is likely going to be the first thing that any Feng Shui expert or interior designer tells you. The reasoning for it seems to be pretty sound. A bedroom is a place for relaxation and unwinding, and a television can keep that...
Out With The Bulky Tube TV – Out With The Bulky TV Stand
Televisions are becoming slimmer and sleeker every day. So why, when these flatscreen TVs are the norm, are people still using big, bulky TV stands to accommodate them? The reason for the popularity of the flatscreen TV is because they look so stylish, and take up...
Opening Up The View: Another Benefit Of Plasma TV Lifts
A lot of living spaces have two great things about them: the view out the window and the fabulous plasma TV. Both of these things are the biggest draws of many living rooms and dens, and are what people want to look at when they’re in the space. But what about when...
Just What Is A Television Lift Exactly?
As television sets become larger and larger, and thinner and thinner, people keep trying to find ways to display them. Television stands are becoming smaller and narrower to accommodate the new look of flatscreen TVs, but they still take up quite a bit of room...
How To Decide Where To Put Your HD TV Lift In Your Living Room
If you’re thinking about buying an HD TV lift for your living room, you’ve made a great decision! These TV lifts will get that eyesore of a television out of sight when you want to enjoy other areas of the space, but will also let you watch that TV you love so...
Bring The Big Game Outside Where It Belongs With Flatscreen TV Lifts
Imagine this - you’ve got your hot dogs, your chicken wings, and all the beer you need to get you through while you’re watching the big game. You’ve got your jersey on, and maybe even one of those funny-looking helmets or a big foam finger. You’ve got everything...
Where Can You Put A TV Lift?
The terms ‘TV lift’ and ‘TV lift cabinet’ are often used interchangeably to describe TVs that appear out of nowhere. But the truth is that they are not one in the same. While all TV lift cabinets are TV lifts, not all TV lifts are placed into a cabinet. Cabinets...
What Makes A Flatscreen TV Lift Manufacturer The Right One?
If you’re buying a flatscreen TV lift, you absolutely need to make sure that you choose the right manufacturer to buy it from. Things might go wrong with your flatscreen TV lift, and it’s important that you have the right help and support if they do. And of course,...
What Features And Accessories Are Available With Flatscreen Lifts?
Flatscreen lifts are a great invention and if you’re thinking about getting one, the excitement of having this new and modern piece of furniture might be all you think you need. But what if you could get even more out of your flatscreen lifts? You can! Flatscreen...