by INCA TV Lifts | Feb 10, 2015 | swivel systems, TV swivel systems
Furniture automation is a great way to have more control over your living space, because you can move large furniture items around with the touch of a button. This technology is often implemented for televisions and projectors, and there are many unique features that...
by INCA TV Lifts | Dec 18, 2014 | swivel systems, TV swivel systems
When you install a flat screen TV swivel in your home, you will see that there are many advantages to enjoy with this automated system. Here are a few of the most common reasons why people want a TV swivel system installed in their home: 1. Keep the TV off the Ground...
by INCA TV Lifts | Oct 30, 2014 | TV swivel systems, TV Systems, TV wall mounts
Large, flat-screen TVs are standard in many homes, boats, and RVs, but the problem is that a big television can take up a lot of space. If you are looking for a way to setup a television without requiring a lot of space for an entertainment center, then you should...
by INCA TV Lifts | Jun 19, 2014 | swivel systems, TV swivel systems
Many people love the idea of having a lift built-in for their television, and they don’t think about the fact that a basic lift might limit the way the television can be viewed. If the TV comes out of the wall or ceiling without any other option to move it...
by INCA TV Lifts | Sep 20, 2011 | Entertainment Systems, TV options, TV swivel systems
Traditional small box rooms are no longer the norm in the modern home. Houses are larger and more functional today. We use our homes as an office, gym, recreation area and an entertainment center. Because of your family’s many interests, the rooms in your home need...
by INCA TV Lifts | Jul 21, 2011 | TV swivel systems
Does the room in which you want to have a TV have design quirks that cause layout problems when you’re trying to figure out where to put the TV? Fortunately, you have options. You may be able to incorporate any one of a number of different TV swivel systems. Here’s an...
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