310-808-0001 inca@inca-tvlifts.com

Did you know that houseplants and greenery are good for your emotional as well as your physical health? Well-tended houseplants are fabulous accents that give life to your interior spaces, and it’s well documented that houseplants add oxygen to your home and help cleanse the air. More than that, a recent study published in Urban Forestry & Urban Greening reported that of 4,000 participants surveyed worldwide, just under 75% felt that houseplants had a positive effect on their emotional health and mental well-being during the pandemic.

Perhaps you’ve always admired (and been a little envious of) the lush greenery in the lobbies of office and medical buildings. Maybe you’ve tried to create the same type of green space in your home only to discover that you will never have a green thumb. Even the “can’t possibly kill it” plant your mother-in-law gave you fell victim to your lack of horticultural talent. Don’t despair–professional help is available!

Though Interior Landscaping specialists have traditionally only served commercial clients, many now provide interior plant design for your home. Specifics vary from company to company, but these are generally the types of accommodations you can expect from an Interior Landscaping company.

  • A consultant will come to your home to discuss the look you’d like to achieve in each room and the types of plants you prefer.
  • The consultant will present placement options for you after assessing available light and develop a personalized design or designs. In addition to choosing plants, you will be able to pick the types of pots you prefer to complete your look.
  • Most companies offer you the option of purchasing plants and pots or renting them. Rentals typically run for a year minimum. Plants and pots will be delivered to your home and installed.
  • If plant care isn’t your strong suit, seriously consider opting for a weekly maintenance plan which would include watering, cleaning, pruning, fertilizing, repotting, and plant replacement if needed.
  • If you decide against a weekly maintenance plan, your consultant will provide instructions for plant care.
  • Some companies offer holiday decorating. A nice bonus!

This year, consider letting the professionals design a fabulous green space for you and your family. What a beautiful way to create a natural, soothing atmosphere, clean the air, and lift everyone’s mood!

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