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It wasn’t long ago that TV arm mounts were still uncommon in households. You would see them occasionally in businesses. Hospital waiting rooms had them. Restaurants and sports bars had them. The idea didn’t catch on quite as quickly in homes. That’s changing, though.

More and more homeowners are deciding to get their television sets up and off the ground. There are a number of good reasons to do this, of course. The most obvious one is that using television wall mounts allows you to position the television for better viewing. With the television placed at or above eye level, you don’t need to worry so much about getting in one another’s way while watching the game or your favorite family show.

Another good reason for using television wall mounts is that it puts the television up and out of harm’s way. Try as they might, neither the dog nor the kids are going to knock it down from TV arm mounts.

So, once you’ve decided to mount your televisions on TV arm mounts, what’s the best place to put them? That largely depends on the layout of your home, the types of TV arm mounts you’re using, and your television viewing practices.

The most important thing to consider when placing television wall mounts is where the television can best be viewed. For most, this means the TV should be slightly above eye level. This is more comfortable for most people, and allows everyone in the room to view the television.

With a stationary wall mount, the best spot is usually on the center of wall. With TV arm mounts, however, you have more options. If you have a swivel mount, you may want to place the TV between two rooms. That way, the TV can be swiveled and watched from either room. Corners are also good options for TV arm mounts.

Placing the TV in the corner generally allows you to provide more seating space. The only problem is that if your TV is the centerpiece of the room (i.e., if you watch a lot of TV), you may have to rearrange your furniture for better viewing. Most living rooms are set up so that the furniture faces inward or towards the flat surface of a wall (everything is more or less “square”). Placing the TV in the corner may leave you with odd viewing angles. This can be solved, to some degree, if you use a swivel arm mount, which allows you to position the TV to accommodate viewers from any point in the room.

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