310-808-0001 inca@inca-tvlifts.com


The Ultimate In Bedroom Luxury—A TV Lift

A TV shouldn’t be the most dominant piece of furniture in your bedroom Although many folks prefer that their TV not be seen, no matter where it is in the house, keeping a TV hidden is especially important in the bedroom. Perhaps this is because the bedroom is...

How And Where To Put A TV In Your Bathroom

A TV in the bathroom? Why not? The more convenient it’s gotten, the more inclined we’ve become to introduce the TV to every room in the house. Well, almost every room. The bathroom remains out of bounds. One reason is that many people don’t like to spend a lot of...

How to Pair Your TV and Fireplace

Nice as they look together, your TV and fireplace aren’t best friends. Learn How They Can Get Along. Marrying the TV and the fireplace is a popular design move because both tend to act as the focal points of the living room, which means one seating arrangement fits...

TV Lifts In The Garage

With a TV Lift, the garage is the new place in the house to hang out Only a few years ago, the home garage was characteristically known as the place for working on the car or the latest household task, or for just storing junk. But that changed in short order once...

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