310-808-0001 inca@inca-tvlifts.com

Do you have an entertainment room or a media room in your home? Some of the modern technology now allows you to add amazing automation into the room, to create a high-tech experience for everyone that is involved. These automation features can be very beneficial, because they help to save space and they also improve the functionality of the room.

Getting Rid of Ugly Cords

There is nothing more frustrating than to see a tangled mess of cords at the front of the room, and automated lifts allow you to keep those cords out of sight. When you are using lifts and automation, those cords can be tucked away out of sight, and the electronic equipment only moves into view when it is needed.

So, you don’t have to have the big television sitting at the front of the room if it isn’t being used. Instead, the TV can be tucked away into a piece of furniture or a hidden lift panel to keep it out of view.

Projectors and Speakers

If you don’t have a television because you are using a projector instead, then you can create automated functions for your projector. One popular way to keep the projector hidden out of sight is by having a panel built into the ceiling. With the push of a button, the motorized projector lifts drop the equipment down from the ceiling, and the project is setup at the perfect height to display your movie on the wall or a projector screen.

You will love having the motorized projector lift, because you won’t have to line up the projector every time you pull it out. You also might consider using a speaker lift for other parts of the entertainment center, to keep those speakers out of view when they aren’t being used.

Contact Inca Corporation to learn more about the other automated features that can be built into your home.

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