310-808-0001 inca@inca-tvlifts.com

Do you spend a lot of time at your desk, working on your computer? It can be hard on the human body to sit at a computer all day, and you need to look at ergonomic features when you are designing and planning your office. There are several motorized furniture options that you should consider, in order to design an office that will allow you to be comfortable all day long.

Lift Mechanisms for Your Office

There are several types of lift mechanisms that can be used to improve the functionality of your desk and improve your ergonomics at the same time. For example, you should consider a computer lift which allows you to automatically raise and lower your screen according to your needs.

Another nice feature is to have a speaker lift in the conference room, or any other meeting area in the building. When they aren’t in use, the speakers can be hidden out of the way. But, if you are doing a presentation that requires sound, then the speakers can quickly be brought into view so that you can use them during the presentation.

Advantages of a Movable Work Station

When your computer is setup on motorized furniture, it allows you to move around throughout the day and you also have better control over your ergonomics. Instead of sitting at a desk, you can choose to spend part of your day standing up while you work. There are many research studies which link health problems with sitting at a desk, and these health problems can easily be avoided by standing up for a portion of the day.

If you are ready to customize your office space, we invite you to contact us today. Here at Inca Corporation, we specialize in custom home and office solutions, and we offer the latest technology to install automated features for your desk.

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