310-808-0001 inca@inca-tvlifts.com

You bought that beautiful historic home with visions of perfect summer afternoons and elegant cocktail parties dancing in your head. You fell in love with the breathtaking trim and fixtures from a long-ago era of pride in craftsmanship. Just when you think you have found your dream home, you realize that there’s a catch—all of those windows, doorways, and awkward room layouts were designed for old-fashioned lifestyles and furniture as well. How are you going to incorporate your modern home entertainment system into a room with limited wall space, while still arranging your furniture in some coherent fashion? That’s where Inca’s creative solutions come in—we offer ingenious television mounting and storage tools so that you can make your television work in even the most challenging of room designs.

How Can I Arrange My TV in An Awkward Room Layout?

Modern living spaces really are designed to accommodate home entertainment in addition to standard furniture. Historic homes, on the other hand, challenge even the most creative designer. We offer swivel systems that allow you to place your TV nearly anywhere in the room, then adjust the angle to accommodate necessary furniture placement, rather than forcing an awkward layout. Whether you need a mounted system, or opt for a swivel TV stand, these solutions allow you to arrange your furniture so it better fits the space without being slave to a fixed TV position.

While swivel systems are a basic remedy for complicated room design, more elaborate systems like motorized television mounts  and lifts bring modern convenience without sacrificing the historic charm of your home. If you don’t want your television ruining the décor of a well-designed room, these products allow you to hide your flat screen until you want to use it. These systems are especially appealing for homeowners who truly want to preserve the historic atmosphere of their rooms yet still want to have the benefits of state-of-the-art home entertainment.

Inca offers automatic lifts and swivels for even the most unique room requirements, contact our team for assistance. 

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