310-808-0001 inca@inca-tvlifts.com

Your home may be your domain, but when you’re gone it’s your pets that rule the roost and anything could happen while you’re gone. Everyone’s heard the stories of pet owners that have come home to chewed slippers, ripped apart cushions, and overturned garbage cans – maybe some of these things have even happened to you! And while the damage done by pets in your absence is usually fairly minimal, they can also cause greater damage to things like your expensive plasma television. Fortunately, there are plasma TV lift cabinets that will make sure your pet and your TV never come to blows.

Plasma TV lift cabinets will let you watch your television whenever you want, but will also store it out of the way when you’re not using it, such as when you’re not home. It does this by tucking the TV out of sight in the ceiling, floor, or a cabinet within the home. When you’re not home your pet can run around and knock into furniture as much as they want. Your TV will be safely inside the HDTV lift, so it won’t feel any of the effects of your boisterous pet.

There are few things that can protect your pricey plasma TV from your pets, especially if they’re still in training. But an HDTV lift will protect your TV no matter what kind you have; and it will protect your TV from more than just those bumps and bangs it gets from your pet too. A plasma TV lift cabinet will also protect your television from collecting dander and fur from your pet too, which will also help extend its life!

If you have a pet, and are tired of worrying about your television every time you leave the house, ask us about an HDTV lift and how they can help you. We’d love to answer any questions you have!

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