310-808-0001 inca@inca-tvlifts.com

Do you carry a pocket calculator? Probably not. These days, most of us have calculator apps on our smart phones. Whether your phone doubles as a calculator or you have an old school solar powered pocket calculator, though, your calculator has more power and functionality than the supercomputers NASA used to land a man on the moon in 1969. With home theater automation and remote control mechanisms for most (if not all) of our electronic equipment, we’ve gone places that one short generation ago were the realm of science fiction.

Do you remember when you had to get up and walk across the living room to change the channel (not that there was much point…there were only three channels to choose from)? These days, remote control mechanisms allow us to change the channel from the other side of the house if we want to. Modern home theater automation even allows us to put the television set away, out of sight, with the touch of a button. A generation ago, few (if any) of us would have even thought about being able to push a button and have our television sets descend out of the ceiling or ascend from below the floor.

We live in a different world. A better world. A smarter world. In today’s world, you can have a killer TV set (much larger and much clearer than anyone would have dared to dream a generation ago) without having your television dominate the landscape of your living room. By using TV lifts, you can just push a button and the television is quickly and quietly lifted out of sight. This leaves you with more floor space and protects your expensive electronic equipment when it’s not in use.

Home theater automation has come a long way in recent years. One generation ago, it was the stuff of fiction, something you saw on a James Bond movie. Fifteen years ago, it was something that only the rich and powerful would even think about putting in their homes.

Today, the vast majority of us use remote control mechanisms without even thinking about the fact that these weren’t available to us a generation ago. More and more of us are realizing that home theater automation systems, like the ones manufactured by Inca TV Lifts, are not only affordable, but practical. Who knows? Maybe some day soon, we’ll be watching our favorite TV programs in the form of 3-D holograms projected from the ceiling. There’s no telling where home theater automation will go from here.

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