310-808-0001 inca@inca-tvlifts.com

The days of letting the television run the house is over. You don’t have to make compromises just to have a TV anymore. With HD TV lifts, you can conceal your television when it is not being used. This makes designing a room much easier and frees up space for other things like artwork and family portraits.

Pop up TVs have become increasingly more popular among consumers with the array of options and affordability. Aside from convenience, having a television rise out of your floor or furniture put you in “high tech” status, and it also allows you to have a clean, crisp, TV free look when you wish.

A flat screen TV lift for the end of your bed is another great option since there never seems to be enough bedroom space to begin with. Having a television in the bedroom will not help you get a good night’s sleep and it clutters up the room. However, if you can put the TV away when it’s time to sleep, you’ll bring back that “this room is to sleep in” feel that doesn’t distract you as research shows and you can enjoy the free space. 

If you have a smaller room and using floor or wall space is not an option, why not have a flat screen TV lift on your ceiling? This is great for anyone with a lot of windows that doesn’t want their view to be obstructed.

You can even mount a TV lift inside or on the bottom of your kitchen cabinets. Using a TV lift in the kitchen keeps your TV from being ruined by grease or water and gives you the chance to watch your favorite cooking shows in the kitchen.

Inca TV Lifts wide range of lift systems are making life much easier for people that don’t want their TV to determine how a room will be decorated. Our sophisticated collections offer quick and permanent solutions to any space saving issue.

Call Inca at 310-808-0001 today and let us help you take back your home.

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