310-808-0001 inca@inca-tvlifts.com

1397677865In an era of poor education funding, schools often contend with the need to make many of their spaces multipurpose. For example, you’ll find that cafeterias or gyms have stages for performances. Libraries sometimes double as classrooms, and school administrators must think creatively to utilize their spaces to serve the needs of their students. With careful planning and the right tools, education spaces can be outfitted to meet these diverse requirements. At Inca TV Lifts, we believe that products like motorized projector lifts help further this mission.

How Do Projector Lifts Help Create Multi-Purpose Spaces?

Transforming spaces into multipurpose rooms requires both the right equipment and a little creative vision. For example, gymnasiums often represent the largest spaces on a campus. By adding a carefully placed video projector life and motorized projection screen lift, you create the perfect gathering place for assemblies, parent orientations, staff in-service programs, and even school dances. From videos and PowerPoints, to band sheet music and team playbooks, your projection system provides an easy way to combine the benefits of audio-visual equipment with any space.

While we typically think projection systems work best in larger spaces, they also bring utility to classrooms and labs. Rather than lose storage space for rolling projectors or media carts, projector lifts utilize vertical space and leave virtually no footprint. When we empower educators with the right audio-visual tools, they gain the ability to make their classrooms the true conduits for effective learning for their students.

Beyond projector lifts, Inca TV lifts also offer other space-saving innovations, like TV wall mounts, drop-down TV lifts, and even dumbwaiter systems. We believe that, through quality products and our industry expertise, we can help education professionals make the most of limited space and resources. To learn more about our products or for an estimate, contact an Inca representative and we’ll be happy to assist you.

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