310-808-0001 inca@inca-tvlifts.com

You can give any room an airy, open look when you remove objects from the room that aren’t being used.  Minimalize clutter by storing everything that you aren’t currently using.  One of the largest things in many living rooms and family rooms is a plasma tv. Wide screens of 50 inches, 60 inches or wider can overwhelm a room.  You can keep it out of sight with a hidden tv lift that is part of our INCA product line.

Flat screen tv lifts eliminate the need to arrange your furnishings around the tv. Instead, arrange your furniture the way you want to, and let the tv lift cabinet raise it when you’re ready to watch. We make models that can slide to either side and rotate up to 90 degrees. Suddenly the tv fits into your furniture scheme rather than your needing to place furniture around the tv so that it can be seen. This lift model can be used in motorized hidden tv stands that allow you to adjust the rotation mechanism on the lift. You can use all of the space in your room for seating instead of trying to find a way to arrange a sofa or chairs in front of the screen.

These remarkable devices open a whole new world of possibilities for decorating a room. If you like to watch cooking how-to shows while you’re in the kitchen, but you do not want to waste precious counter space by placing a tv on top of a counter, you can use one of our lifts to keep the screen out of the way. When the tv is down inside the cabinet, it will look just like the rest of your kitchen counters. You can lift it up with the push of a button and rotate it so you can see as you follow the chef’s directions on your favorite cooking show.

We make it easy for you to watch your tv when you want to, but like all of your other appliances, it is best when it’s put away out of sight when you’re finished watching. You will want to use our lifts in all of your rooms to keep unsightly, unused wide screens neatly tucked away. At INCA, we sell lifts in standard sizes that fit almost every screen. If you need a custom size, we can make that for you to fit your particular screen or cabinet.

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