310-808-0001 inca@inca-tvlifts.com

Looking to keep that projector in your school or work safe and sound? A projector lift is definitely the way to go to make it the most convenient for you and to keep your projector safe and sound. But what do you need to consider before buying one, and what should you look for in a projector lift?

The first thing you need to look at is the size of the projector. This will tell you how big of a projector lift you need. Make sure to not only measure the height of the projector, but the weight of it as well so you end up with a projector lift that can fully support your equipment. It’s also be a good idea to look for a projector lift that can hold a projector a little larger than the one you currently own. Your projector lift will last you a long time and you don’t want to have to replace your projector lift when you need to replace your projector.

Along with the size, also check the voltage of the projector lift. The outlets in your home need to be compatible with it, so that the lift doesn’t overload the outlets. And sometimes, projector lifts and projectors themselves have many things that need to be plugged in; so also make sure that you have enough outlets in the area that you want the projector lift installed.

When looking at projector lifts, also look for models that are quiet and that don’t vibrate under loud noises or lots of outside air movement. Some do and these projector lifts can then sometimes shake, making everything on the screen shake along with it. And make sure to look for a projector lift that also moves quietly as it brings the projector into view, and then tucks it up out of sight again. No one wants a loud machine in the room, and projector lifts shouldn’t be.

All of our projector lifts work on a rack and pinion system that is not only very accurate, and stable, but super quiet as well. Check out our full selection and then contact us for a quote or for more information on what’s important when buying a projector lift. Once you find the right one, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without it!

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