Ceiling Mounted Lifts
Flip Down Ceiling Unit

P/N: 900814-410-400-FLP
The Inca TV Flip-Down Ceiling series of automation equipment is specifically designed to store Flat Screen TVs in the ceiling and lower them for viewing. This ultra-silent motorized mechanism is made of aluminum and some steel, and powder coated black for long life. The unit contains a plug for the TV and a temperature sensor fan to keep it cool while in the stored position. An external junction box is provided with 25’ of cable so that it can be mounted in a convenient accessible location, where the ‘dry contact’, RF radio remote, and power sensor module are attached. The j-box contains a selector switch to choose various control modes, and a built-in rocker switch to raise and lower the unit. It also has 1 ½” flanges around the outside of the unit to use when mounting it to the ceiling. Provisions are made to “unroll” the customer’s video cables, while the unit is deploying, as well as retract them when the unit is in the stored position. A TV mounting plenum is also included to permit easy cable management and to enhance heat flow from the TV. A soft seal covers the shroud ceiling surface so that the unit is completely sealed when folded up in the closed position. The unit weighs approximately 100 lbs. and is shipped in a special crate to prevent shipping damages. It operates on US Standard, 110 VAC, 60 Hz power, but can configured for use anywhere in the world via the selection of accessory package.
Micro Flip Down Ceiling Unit

P/N: 900815-410-400-FLP
The Inca TV Micro Flip-Down Ceiling series of automation equipment is specifically designed to store Flat Screen TVs in the ceiling and lower them for viewing. This ultra-silent motorized mechanism is made of aluminum and some steel, and powder coated black for long life. The unit contains a plug for the TV and a temperature sensor fan to keep it cool while in the stored position. An external junction box is provided with 25’ of cable so that it can be mounted in a convenient accessible location, where the ‘dry contact’, RF radio remote, and power sensor module are attached. The j-box contains a selector switch to choose various control modes, and a built-in rocker switch to raise and lower the unit. It also has 1” flanges around the outside of the unit to use when mounting it to the ceiling. Provisions are made to “unroll” the customer’s video cables, while the unit is deploying, as well as retract them when the unit is in the stored position. A TV mounting plenum is also included to permit easy cable management and to enhance heat flow from the TV. A soft seal covers the shroud ceiling surface so that the unit is completely sealed when folded up in the closed position. The unit weighs approximately 35 lbs. and is hipped in a special crate to prevent shipping damages. It operates on US Standard, 110 VAC, 60 Hz power, but can configured for use anywhere in the world via the selection of accessory package.
Product Info
900815-410-400-FLP | Cut Sheet
Ceiling Drop Down Unit

P/N: 900814-400-E Series
The Drop Down Ceiling unit is a completely enclosed system, which stores any size flat screen in the ceiling and brings it down for convenient viewing. These units are completely assembled and ready for installation. The extension section can be made to bring the TV down to the desired viewing level. Choice of control options available include: RF radio remote, rocker switch, infrared,12 VDC/dry contact closure for touch-screen commands, and power sensor module.
Product Info
900814-400-E1 | Cut Sheet
Ceiling Drop Down Unit and Swivel

P/N : P/N 900814-400-E2
The Ceiling Drop Down and Swivel unit is a completely enclosed system which provides a safe means of storing a flat screen TV above the ceiling, lowering it into the room, then rotating the TV up to 360-degrees for the ideal viewing position. Control options include two-button (RF) radio remote, or a two-motion controller for touch-screen use.
Product Info
900814-400-E2 | Cut Sheet | Mechanical Animation
900814-400-E2-T/900814-400-E2-AT | Cut Sheet | Mechanical Animation
900814-400-E2-DBL | Cut Sheet | Mechanical Animation
Ceiling Drop Down Unit with Tilt

P/N : 900814-E1T
The Ceiling Drop Down and Tilt Ceiling unit is a completely enclosed system which provides a safe means of storing a flat screen above the ceiling, lowering it in the room then tilting the TV forward up to 30-degrees for the ideal viewing position. This specific Drop down model can be operated on a single channel radio remote, single motion touch screen interface, a power sensing module or an external 12 VDC trigger for touch screen. An extension section to lower the TV further down into the room is optional.
Product Info
900814-400-E1-T | Cut Sheet | Mechanical Animation
900814-400-E1-DBL-1T | Cut Sheet | Mechanical Animation
Ceiling Drop Down Unit
with Swivel and Tilt

P/N : 900814-E2T
The Ceiling Drop Down Unit with Swivel and Tilt is a completely enclosed system which provides a safe means of storing a flat screen above the ceiling, lowering it in the room, then tilting the TV forward up to 30-degrees, then rotating the TV up to 360-degrees for the ideal viewing position. This specific Drop down model can be operated on a triple-channel radio remote or a triple-motion sensor for touchscreen use. An extension section to lower the TV further down into the room is optional.
Product Info
900814-400-E2-T | Cut Sheet | Mechanical Animation
900814-400-E2-DBL | Cut Sheet | Mechanical Animation
900814-400-E2-T/900814-400-E2-AT | Cut Sheet | Mechanical Animation
Fold Down Ceiling Unit

P/N : 900814-410-400 Series
The Fold Down Ceiling Unit is designed to hold a flat screen TV in the ceiling and fold it down on command for viewing. When the flat screen is not being used, it is folded up into a protected enclosure mounted in the ceiling, where it is secure, out of the way, and safe. The Fold-Down unit is only 6.00 inches (on average) in thickness, and comes with a special steel frame that once permanently installed in the ceiling, permits the machine to be easily removed and reinstalled, should that ever be required. Choice of control options available include: (RF) radio remote, rocker switch, infrared,12 VDC/dry contact closure for touch-screen commands, and power sensor module.
Product Info
900814-410-400-Q | Cut Sheet
Fold Down Ceiling Unit with Swivel

P/N : 900814-410-400-S Series
The Fold-Down and Swivel Ceiling unit is specifically designed to store a flat screen TV in the ceiling and upon command, fold the TV down into a room, and then swivel it to a perfect viewing position. When flat screen is not in use, it folds up inside the ceiling in 6-inches of space (on average). Each unit comes with a special frame that once removed and re-installed should that be required. Control options include two-button (RF) radio remote, or a two-motion controller for touch-screen use.
Product Info
900814-410-400-S | Cut Sheet
Fold Down Ceiling Unit with Extend

P/N 900814-410-EXT-400
The Flat Screen TV Fold-Down and Extend Ceiling unit is specifically designed to store TV’s in the ceiling and upon command, lower the screen into a room and then extend it lower to the floor, for a perfect viewing position. When flat screen is not in use, it folds up inside the ceiling in 6-inches of space (on average). Control options include one-button (RF) radio remote, or a remote control external contact or 12VDC for touch-screen use.
Product Info
900814-410-EXT-400 | Cut Sheet | Mechanical Animation
900814-410-400-Q/900700-400-V | Cut Sheet | Mechanical Animation
Fold Down Ceiling Unit with Extend and Swivel

P/N 900814-400-EXS-400
The Fold-Down Ceiling Unit with Extend and Swivel unit can fold a flat-screen TV out of the ceiling, lower it closer to the floor using an extension section, then rotate the TV to the ideal viewing postion. When the flat-screen is not in use, it folds back inside the ceiling in 12-inches of space (on average). Each unit comes with a special frame that once permanently installed in the ceiling permits the machine to be easily removed and re-installed should that be required. Control options include two-button RF radio remote, or a two-motion controller for touch-screen use.
Product Info
900814-410-EXS-400 | Cut Sheet
Fold Down & Pedestal Extend Ceiling Unit

P/N 900814-410-EXT-400-PED
The NEW Inca Flat Screen TV Flip-Down and Extend Ceiling unit is specifically designed to conceal TV’s in the ceiling and upon command, lower the screen into the room and then extend it down towards the floor to the proper viewing height.